Friday 6 July 2012

Who is blogging - Share Point 2010

This week my task was to get "Who is blogging" web part organized on our main page. The purpose of this was to go over everyone's my sites to find most recent blogs from different people. Currently you actually have to go to people's my sites to find if they actually blogged anything new - not very practical if you don't know anyone that could be posting something interesting.

After some research I have found that Search Core Results will be a perfect tool to do that.

  1. Go to a page that you would like to show people's blog posts (the most recent 3 in my case) and add new Search Core Results
  2. Select Edit Web Part
  3. Inside Location Properties
    1. Change Location to Local Search Results (make sure your Search Application is running and has been crawling your my sites). 
    2. Type in number of results you would like to see under "Results Per Page"
  4. Inside "Results Query Options"
    1. Change "Cross-Web Part query ID" to "Query 2"
    2. Enter
      contenttype:post AND NOT Title:"Welcome to your Blog!"
      in "Fixed Keyword Query"
  5. Click Apply/OK and you are Done!

Note: The reason why "Welcome to your Blog!" is stated as part of the query is to stop who is blogging showing people that have just created their my sites. "Welcome to your Blog!" is default blog thats automatically created by Share Point 2010

You can also fiddle with other settings such as cache and auto refresh. My next task is to make this look like all our other webparts (look & feel).

Some references:

To be continued... 

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